

キリギリス鳴く(岡澄雄 1917-2014)

キリギリス鳴く 炎天の叢の中 みつ よつ
なぜ こうも必死に鳴く?

自由に旋回する触覚 宝石のような複眼 頑丈な顎 バランスのとれた
三対の脚 後脚がいい どんなスポーツ選手もおまえのにはかないは

そうだ バトンタッチの朝までは


By Sumio Oka
 20, Aug 1994

Grasshoppers cry under the scorching sun in the meadow.
In search of mates, quivering, quivering.
Why do they cry so hard?
To thank god for life?
To call a better half?
How wonderful their healthy, perfect bodies and voices are!

Your parents will never see your beautiful body.
You will never see the beautiful figure of your children.
Good for them!
Here comes a girl who is the very image of your mother.
Does she see her father in you? Her eyes are flaming.
Feelers which turn freely, jewel-like, compound eyes, solid chin,
Three pairs of legs, well-balanced, no athlete is a match for your rear legs.
Your green-sepia garments look very well on you.

There’s a faint touch of autumn in the air.
Your beloved resembles your mother.
Your boyfriend, crying by you, resembles your father.
Until the morning when you pass the baton to your offspring.
Give all of your wonderful genes to them.
And don’t forget the exquisite tone of your voice.

Sing loudly, grasshoppers!
Grasshoppers, sing loudly!

(translated by Kojiro Oka, 7th July 2014)

My life :a wordplay by Sumio Oka

お さないときから気まぐれ人生
か ねにはとんと縁薄く
す み家は 雨漏り セメント瓦
み なりはいつもちぐはぐで
お そまつ人生たそがれだ、申し訳ないことばかり
O sanai toki kara kimagure jinsei 
Ka neniwa tonto enusuku
Su mikayawa amamori semento gawara
Mi nariwa itsumo chiguhagude
O somatsu jinsei tasogareda, moshiwakenai kotobakari

On a whim, Ive led my life from the childhood
Kept me totally out of money
All the time rain leaks through the tile roof
Such a humble house is mine
Unkempt are my clothes
Most time has expired already
Inexcusable mistakes I have done that I should apologize for
Oh, twilight has already fallen on me.

O sanai tokikara gakushaga nozomi
Ka nemo shikkari tamekonde
Su mikawa gotei nagayamon
Mi narini itsumo kiwo tsukai ue kara shitamade ichiryuhin
O erai hito to iwaretai, Uwah! Kijuda.

お さないときから学者が望み
か ねもしっかり貯め込んで
す みかは豪邸長屋門
み なりはいつも気を遣い、上から下まで一流品
お えらい人と言われたい。うわっ 喜寿だ。
Often I dreamt a dream to be a great scholar
Keep money for the wealthy life
Ambition is to live in a mansion
Servants and maids will be there
Unmatched clothing from top to bottom is
Made in England
I wish I could be called an exquisite man
Oh my God, I realized I am already a 77-years-old man.

(translated by Kojiro Oka, June 2014)
(from the translator)

Note: In Japan, people cerebrates
60-years-old birthday, end of one cycle, according to Chinese calendar
70 years old, rare
77 years old, pleasure
80 years old, umbrella
88 years old, rice
90 years old, graduation
99 years old, white
100 years old, century

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